The von Bülow Family
The von Bülow family is one of the oldest and most well-known lineages of the ancient nobility of Mecklenburg.

The arms show 14 gold balls on a blue ground, and on the helmet above an oriole with a gold ring in its beak.
The knight Godofridus de Bulowe is the first of the family to be mentioned in writing, in a document of 1229. The family name comes from the ancestral seat of the same name, Bülow. Over the centuries the von Bülows acquired a large amount of property, including more than 110 castles, estates, and villages in Mecklenburg.
The photograph above right, dated 28 October 1928 and taken in front of Rogeez manor, shows the silver wedding celebration of Otto von Bülow and his wife Auguste von Bülow, born von Plessen. In the background are their five children as well as relations from the von Zülow, von Plessen, von Puttkamer, and von Oertzen families, among others.
Bäbelitz |
Klein Bölkow |
Retgendorf |