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Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

In volume 4, we present 58 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 155 pages.

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book Vorpommern 4



from castle to castle.


Castle Güstrow in calendar 2022

Castle Güstrow in calendar 2022

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Penkun Castle

The tiny town of Penkun, which first appears in historical records in 1269, nestles like an island between three lakes. In 1480, the manor at Penkun was enfoeffed to Werner von der Schulenburg.

At this time, the hill on which today's castle is situated was still occupied by the remains of a hunting lodge built in 1198 by the Dukes of Pomerania. The von der Schulenburg family commissioned Taddeo Paglione to design a new, Renaissance-style palace, which was built between 1484 and 1486. In 1615, Joachim von der Schulenburg sold the estate to the district administrator Henning von der Osten. In 1756 it is recorded as being in the possession of Countess von Hacke, and in 1817 it was bought back by August Wilhelm von der Osten. Starting in 1875, Friedrich Wilhelm von der Osten began to create a park around the castle. Many of the magnificent beeches, chestnut trees and limes planted then are still standing today.

In 1989, work began to secure and renovate the dilapidated castle. Since 1992, the Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz (German Heritage Fund) has been helping to fund the restorations. From 1992 to 2001, DM 4.88 million was invested in the renovation.

The castle hosts changing exhibitions on the history of the region, and the gatehouse is home to a museum.

Timetable on the history of Penkun Castle:


it is presumed that the bishop Siegfried von Kammin built a castle


The castle probably goes to Bogislaw II. Duke of Szczecin and Wolgast


First documentary mention by Duke of Barnim I.


Penkun receives city charter


Castellan is Martin of Rudolfus


Bernhard von Hagen is owner of the castle


Siege by Friedrich II. Kurfürst von Brandenburg


Captain Werner von der Schulenburg receives castle, town and office from Duke
1520-1560 Richard von der Schulenburg
1560-1594 Joachim I. von der Schulenburg (called the rich)
1594-1610 Richard II. von der Schulenburg
1610-1614 Joachim II. von der Schulenburg


reconstruction of the castle in Renaissance style


Town hall, parts of the town and the castle fall victim to a fire


Head Bailiff Henning von der Osten acquires the castle
1626-1659 Heinrich I. von der Osten
1659-1698 Heinrich II. von der Osten
1698-1716 Heinrich III. von der Osten
1716-1734 Christian von der Osten
1734-1757 Heinrich von der Osten


With the Peace of Westphalia after the end of the Thirty Years' War Penkun falls to Sweden


End of the Swedish era


Castle is owned by the von Hacke family
1757-1817 Sophie Albertine Countess von Hacke
1789 Wilhelm Count von Hacke
1789-1817 The 8 children of Count von Hacke


August Wilhelm von der Osten
1838-1849 Heinrich Carl von der Osten
1849-1875 Florian von der Osten
1875-1928 Friedrich Wilhelm (Fritz) von der Osten
1928-1930 Rüdiger von der Osten
1930-1943 Henning von der Osten
1943-1945 Eckhard von der Osten;
1945 Expropriation of the von der Osten family


Start of restoration work on the castle

Museumsverein der Stadt Penkun e. V.

17328 Penkun, Am Schlosshof 1

Phone: 039751-69830
Url: (only ger)
