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Book "Manor Houses & Castles in Mecklenburg", Volume 2

Book "Manor Houses & Castles in Mecklenburg", Volume 2

In Volume 2, we present 48 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 160 pages.

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Bothmer Castle

Schloss Bothmer is situated in the area known as the "Klützer Winkel", near the town of Klütz. It is the largest Baroque palace complex in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

The approach is formed by an avenue of lime trees which has been standing for over 200 years, and the palace itself is surrounded by a wide moat. The cour d'honneur is reached by crossing a bridge. The complex, which consists of a corps de logis, "cavalier" houses (buildings which accommodated palace staff and guests), and connecting passageways was built between 1726 and 1732 for Hans Caspar von Bothmer according to plans by J. F. Künnecke. For many years it was in the service of the Prince of Hanover and later-to-be English King Georg Ludwig (George I).  Until 1945, this beautiful stately home remained in the possession of the von Bothmer family. Between 1945 and 1948 it was used as a hospital for typhus and diphtheria patients, and afterwards, until 1994, as an old people's home.  Some changes were made during this period, but the fact that the place was occupied continuously and that the most pressing repairs were carried out when necessary meant that the fabric of the building was well preserved.

In 1998, after standing empty for four years, Schloss Bothmer was sold by the council for the symbolic price of one Deutschmark. However, the new owner failed to make the promised investments in the property, and, after years of dispute with the council, was forced to relinquish it. Ten years later, during which time the building continued to stand empty, Schloss Bothmer was taken over by the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the years that followed, the state invested 18.5 million Euros into restoring it. After seven years of building work, the house was opened to the public in May 2015. It is hoped that a mixture of public and private-sector users will fill it with life in the years to come.

The five-hectare grounds of the house are beautifully kept and feature delightful old avenues, fine lawns, rare trees and a system of ponds.

Schloss Bothmer

23948 Klütz, Am Park

Phone: 03882-5385681
