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City Guide Stralsund

City Guide Stralsund

for guests of the Hanseatic city: A richly illustrated ramble through the present and history of the Hanseatic city of Stralsund with a map of the old town.

Stadtführer Stralsund

Map of manor house locations

Map of manor house locations

On the map you will find 170 locations of manor houses, manor houses and castles on the island of Rügen.

Calendars & Books

Bestellformular Bücher

Der Sendung liegt Ihre Rechnung bei. Für jede Sendung innerhalb Deutschlands berechnen wir für Porto und Verpackung 3,00 € (unabhängig von der Anzahl der bestellten Artikel). ... more

Large manor house calendar 2024 (A3)

From manor houses that later became castles and monastery walls that found a new purpose - this year we again tell twelve interesting stories, where we also learned a lot. ... more

Large manor house calendar 2024 (A3)

From manor houses that later became castles and monastery walls that found a new purpose - this year we again tell twelve interesting stories, where we also learned a lot. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Rügen", Volume 1 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

This illustrated book is particularly interesting for lovers of historical postcards. In cooperation with a philocartist this book was created, in which 51 manor and manor houses of Rügen are presented in their old splendour and in their present state. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Rügen", Volume 2 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

After the first volume "Guts- und Herrenhäuser auf der Insel Rügen" was well received by people interested in the local history of Rügen and was also well received by guests and lovers of the island of Rügen as a special kind of travel guide, the second part has now been published. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Vorpommern", Volume 1 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

This illustrated book presents selected manor houses and castles in Vorpommern. It is especially interesting for lovers of historical postcards. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Vorpommern", Volume 2 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

In addition to the first volume, this illustrated book again presents a selection of manor houses and castles in Vorpommern. It is especially interesting for lovers of historical postcards. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Vorpommern", Volume 3 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

After 2011 and 2012 the photographic time journeys Vorpommern 1 and 2 appeared, now the third volume follows our journey through Vorpommern. ... more

Book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Vorpommern", Volume 4 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

The fourth and final part on the manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania includes a total of 63 locations. Numerous historical photographs on picture postcards or on photos from private collections are made accessible to the public for the first time. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Mecklenburg", Volume 1 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

When in the past years first a volume about manor houses and manor houses on the island Rügen and afterwards two editions of the series "manor houses and castles in Vorpommern" appeared, the reactions of the readers did not take long on it for itself. ... more

book "Fotografische Zeitreise - Mecklenburg", Volume 2 (A Journey through Time in Photographs)

After the first illustrated book entitled Guts- und Herrenhäuser in Mecklenburg was published in 2013, initial reactions were not long in coming. ... more

Book "Photographic time travel - manor houses & castles in Mecklenburg", volume 3

With the volume "Guts- und Herrenhäuser in Mecklenburg - Teil 2" our small team of authors could celebrate its first anniversary. ... more

Book "Photographic time travel - manor houses & castles in Mecklenburg", volume 4

This photographic journey through time to the manor houses and castles of Mecklenburg enters its tenth year with this fourth part. ... more

NEW: Book "Photographic time travel - manor houses & castles in Mecklenburg", volume 4

This photographic journey through time to the manor houses and castles of Mecklenburg enters its tenth year with this fourth part. ... more

Bestellformular Kalender

Liebe Freunde der Schlösser, Guts- und Herrenhäuser in M-V,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei Ihnen für Ihre langjährige Treue bedanken. Es war uns eine Freude, Ihnen jedes Jahr aufs Neue unseren Kalender präsentieren zu dürfen und Sie damit auf unsere Reise durch die Gutshauslandschaft mitzunehmen und viele schöne Momente festzuhalten.

Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass es für das Jahr 2025 keinen neuen Kalender geben wird. Nach reiflicher Überlegung haben wir uns entschieden, die Kalenderreihe vorerst zu beenden. Dieser Entschluss ist uns nicht leicht gefallen. Wir danken Ihnen von Herzen für Ihr Verständnis. Sollten wir in Zukunft wieder einen Kalender bereithalten, werden wir Sie selbstverständlich darüber informieren.

Bis dahin wünschen wir Ihnen alles Gute.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Ilka Zander und Axel Thiessenhusen ... more