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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.

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Calendar 2024, A3

A manor house for a whole group!

A manor house for a whole group!

The guest house Zietlitz offers the suitable ambience for family celebrations, small seminars, groups of friends of historical manor houses; nature lovers, yoga groups and much more.

Gutshaus Zietlitz

Manor House Lancken near Parchim

Around 1700 Lancken was the dairy farm of the neighbouring estate Greven.

From 1800 to 1806 the manor house was in possession of Baron Christian von Hammerstein, landlord of Kastorf / Lauenburg who had acquired the estate from his brother-in-law Otto von Qualen in 1800, then resold it in 1806 to Johann Ludwig von der Soden from Hannover. Advocate Westphal managed the  estate for the debtees of Captain von der Soden in 1824, it was then sold to Captain Knight von Henckel. In 1830 the old manor house was demolished. The building of the present manor house was completed in 1846 at which time it did belong to the Blanck family. From 1913 on it was owned by R. Stucken. After WWI Lancken became an allodial estate, land freely held, which the owner can freely dispose of and bequeath to others. Wilhelm Wesendorf from Hamburg was the owner since 1927. He paid the redemption for the fief. In 1927 running water was installed in the manor house. At the end of WWII 1945 large numbers of refugees were housed in the building. From 1960 on it became a schoolhouse and from 1984 up to 1989 it served as children´s holiday accommodation for the VEB Kohlenhandel Berlin (the state owned company for the distribution of coal within Berlin).

The manor house Lancken is nowadays private property.  

The Church

Also noteworthy is the church in Lancken a listed building from the 14th / 15th century. The church is an early gothic, rectangular rubble masonry building with a vaulty vestry and a gabled roof. The eastern gable is adorned with blind niches. The church has no tower. On the western side there stands a small belfry. Inside the church we find a most beautiful carved altar in good condition from the mid 16th century.
