Manor House Kambs near Röbel
The village of Kambs is part of the community of Bollewick and is situated eight kilometres south of the small town of Röbel. The place was first mentioned in records on 22nd of October in 1320 when an exchange of patronage took place.

With this swap the dukes Johann II. and Johann III. von Werle took the patronage of the provost district of the New Town in Röbel and gave in exchange the patronage of the church in Kambs to the Bishop Heinrich von Havelberg.
Since 1295 the village had been in parts in possession of the von Ketelhodt family, the families von Moltke and von Maltzan owned shares too, as did the von Rohr, von Knuth, and Reitknecht families during the 15th century. In 1790 the parts of the ownership of the von Ketelhodt family went to Adolf Albrecht Wilhelm von Flotow auf Wildkuhl, however as soon as two years later the ducal chamber took over the property and the estate became a demesne and remained as such until 1945.
After 1945, it served as a municipal administration building, restaurant, local co-op village shop and for residential purposes.
In 1999 the preservation order was lifted and the building stood empty until it was demolished. It was in possession of the community. The manor house presented a sad picture of decay before it was demolished. It was a single-storey half-timbered house that was probably built at the beginning of the 18th century.
An old horse stable which belonged to the estate has been converted into a residential house. The community used public subsidies to convert an old granary into a community centre.