Entries for tag: von Rohr family
Balow Manor House
Balow was first documented in 1341. The house is a half-timbered structure built in the 18th century. A newer addition is attached to the right corner. The buildings were connected to each other at the beginning of the 19th century. ... more
"Haus Demmin" House
The Hanseatic city of Demmin lies directly at the confluence of the Peene and Tollense rivers. In 1228 there is already a documental mention of a Pomeranian princely castle here, the "Alte Burg" (old fortress). ... more
Manor House Kambs near Röbel
The village of Kambs is part of the community of Bollewick and is situated eight kilometres south of the small town of Röbel. The place was first mentioned in records on 22nd of October in 1320 when an exchange of patronage took place. ... more
Manor House Krümmel
The estate was owned by the Kerkeberg family since 1370. In the 16th century the von Rohr family held stakes in the property. ... more
Manor House Massow
The mansion was built in 1860, after the predecessor building had burnt down. The estate was owned by the families von Flotow, von Below, von Lücken, von Pahlen, von Weltzien, von Rohr, von der Lanken, von Preen, and (again in 1924) von Lücken family. ... more

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