Entries for tag: Friedrich Hitzig
Remplin Castle
In the mid-18th century, the von Hahn family built a three-wing Baroque palace at Remplin. Starting in 1865, alterations were carried out by Duke Georg of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who wanted the palace to reflect the style of the French Renaissance and called upon the services of the Berlin-based architect Friedrich Hitzig. ... more
Manor House (Castle) Neetzow
The Neetzow manor house was built by Friedrich Hitzig, a pupil of Schinkel, from 1848 to 1851 in neo-Gothic style for Wilhelm von Kruse. ... more
Manor House (Castle) Göhren
Göhren had a castle-like manor house from the mid-19th century. The Gothic building was constructed in 1855 by Friedrich Hitzig of Berlin as a multi-part, elaborate brick structure. ... more
Manor House (Castle) Kartlow
Kartlow Manor was built between 1853 and 1858 modelled on the French renaissance castle of Chambord according to plans by Friedrich Hitzig, the Schwerin court architect. ... more
Manor House (Castle) Kittendorf
The manor house was built between 1848 and 1853 in the English Tudor Gothic style according to plans by the Berlin architect Friedrich Hitzig. The Babelsberg Palace, designed by Schinkel in 1833 and built by Ludwig Persius from 1834, served as his model. ... more
Estate and Mausoleum Koblentz
"Colbcutz" was first mentioned in a document in 1293. At that time, the knight Friedrich von Eickstedt resided here. From 1490 on the village was a fief of the von Muckerwitz family and from 1579 on of the von Eickstedt family. ... more
Manor House Poggelow
Poggelow is situated between Teterow and Gnoien, away from the main roads leading through the region. The place was first mentioned in 1314. ... more
Manor House (Castle) Sassnitz-Dwasieden
Dwasiden was part of the Lancken-Jasmund knightly estate. In 1577, the estate was owned by the von Barnekow family and the monastery of St. Annen and Brigitten in Stralsund. ... more

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