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Manor House Teschendorf near Rostock

Teschendorf, about 13 km east of Rostock, can be accessed via a historic cobblestone street. Starting in 1375, the estate was owned by the von Preen family who held it for more than 400 years. ... more

Öftenhäven manor house

The place Öftenhäven is only a few kilometers east of the Hanseatic city of Rostock. The manor was owned by the von Mandelsloh family until 1781. From 1781 the property was a domain and was given a long lease. The manor house was rebuilt until 1918, as indicated by the tower's weather vane. ... more

Estate Ikendorf

Ikendorf belongs to the municipality of Broderstorf. On the spot where once stood the manor house a new building was constructed. The former manor house was built around 1900 according to plans by the architect Paul Korff. ... more

Neuendorf bei Rostock

Neuendorf wirkt von der Frontseite bescheidener, als es wirklich ist: Da das Gelände zur Parkseite stark abschüssig ist, offenbart das Gutshaus von Nordosten eine mächtige Erscheinung mit seinen zwei Geschossen und dem großen Zwerchhaus. Zu DDR-Zeiten wurde das Haus teilweise verändert. Heute gehört es dem Arbeiter Samariter Bund. Der bauliche Zustand ist schwer einzuschätzen, da die Sicht von beiden Seiten stark verwehrt ist. ... more

Manor House Poppendorf

Poppendorf is located in the so-called eastern suburbs of the Hanseatic town of Rostock. The village road leads you right to the former estate. Its centered around the manor house, which is now known as “Musenhof”. ... more