Wodenhof Manor House
The history of Wodenhof is closely connected to the old neighboring fief of Grambow. Wodenhof and Grambow were long in the same hands.

It is probable that knightly families like the von Halberstadts in earlier times and more recently the von Brandensteins owned Wodenhof. In 1906 Grand Duke Friedrich Franz IV of Mecklenburg-Schwerin acquired the Grambow estate and built a summer residence there. The subsidiary estate of Wodenhof was also in the immediate possession of the grand ducal house from 1914 onwards.
The balanced and well-proportioned manor house with Art Deco elements was probably built around the beginning of the twentieth century. It was completely renovated in the mid-1990s.
The inspector’s house to one side displays a noteworthy half-timbered pediment.
After 1945 the estate was parceled out and and a state agricultural cooperative was established on the former estates of Wodenhof and Grambow. While Grambow Palace housed a school for the “Free German Youth” and was separated from the estate, Wodenhof manor house accommodated the offices and canteen of the cooperative. In one of the stables lodging for harvest helpers was set up, so that many so-called “Camps for Rest and Work” were conducted in Wodenhof, where students helped with the harvest during their vacations.
Today only remnants of the estate complex exist. Wodenhof lies next to the Nature Conservation Area Grambower Moor (Grambow Bog) as well as near the Local Recreation Area Dümmer See (Dümmer Lake).
Owners before 1945:
-1790 |
Anna Friederica von Both, née von Plessen |
1790-1803 |
Chief Master of the Hunt Gustav Adolph Hans von der Lühe |
1803-1810 |
Privy Councillor Johann Hartwig Hundt |
1810-1840 |
Chief Master of the Hunt Adolph Hans von der Lühe |
1840-1841 |
Hans Friedrich Helms |
1841-1850 |
Heinrich August Ludwig von Schuckmann |
1850-1893 |
Julius Wiechelt |
1893-1898 |
Johann Ernst Karl Rauch |
1898-1908 |
Charles Rauch |
1908-1912 |
Richard Elfeld |
1912-1914 |
Gerhard Neumann |
ab 1914 |
grand ducal domain/leased farm |