Deutsche Website

Historical mills

In some places these special technical monuments have been preserved. You can find many of them on the mill page.
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Manor House Neddemin
In 1597, a large part of the village belonged to Eckert of Peckatel. In 1629, it was purchased by Otto von Ihlenfeldt. In 1694, Neddemin was fiefed to Siegfried Jürgen von Dechow.

He was succeeded by Hans Christoph von Dechow in 1701, who bought the remaining part of the village in 1708. In 1754, Martin von Gävertsheim bought the estate. In 1778, Neddemin was sold by order of the court. It was purchased by the guardianship of the land marshals von Hahn in Remplin. After his death, Neddemin was sold to Georg August, Baron of Hammerstein, in 1783. Ten years later, Johann Friedrich Blank became the owner. Ten years after that, it was acquired by the Captain von Maltzahn, who sold it to Adolf Friedrich von Oertzen in 1804. He had acquired the estate for his son Gustav. Gustav's son, Augustus von Oertzen, sold the estate in 1883. Since the building is only estimated to have been built “around 1800”, it is not clear who among the two owners of Neddemin had commissioned its construction: August von Oertzen or Max Lemcke, most likely August von Oertzen. Max Lemcke bought the estate in 1883. Several years later, it was acquired by Dr. jur. Otto von Eynern. In 1938, the Neddemin estate was taken up by the state. It was then sold to the “Deutsche Ansiedlungsgesellschaft Berlin” (German settlement society in Berlin) in 1939.
During the GDR period, the manor house was largely used as a school. It had been in a ruinous condition until a few years ago when a merchant from Neubrandenburg became its new owner in 1997. He has since then had the formerly vacant house renovated.

- Manor House
- Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
- von Hahn family
- private property
- von Oertzen family
- village church / chapel
- von Maltzahn, Maltzan, Moltzan family
- von Peccatel,Peckatel family
- von Ihlenfeldt family
- von Hammerstein family
- von Dechow family
- von Gävertsheim family
- von Eynern family
- Neverin Department