Entries for tag: von Ihlenfeldt family
Manor House Dahlen
The Dahlen property changed hands very frequently between the 14th and 17th centuries. Some of the former tenants include the von Lübbersdorf family, von Peckatel family, and von Ihlenfeldt family. ... more
Manor House Klockow
The manor house was built in 1853 according to plans by Friedrich Wilhelm Buttel. It was erected in gothic revival style as a two storey rendered building with central risalit. ... more
Manor House Neddemin
In 1597, a large part of the village belonged to Eckert of Peckatel. In 1629, it was purchased by Otto von Ihlenfeldt. In 1694, Neddemin was fiefed to Siegfried Jürgen von Dechow. ... more

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