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Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

In Volume 2, we present 45 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 155 pages.

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book Vorpommern 2

Neu Wendorf manor in calendar 2019

Neu Wendorf manor in calendar 2019

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Design by ars-campus

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Manor House (Castle) Neetzow

The Neetzow manor house was built by Friedrich Hitzig, a pupil of Schinkel, from 1848 to 1851 in neo-Gothic style for Wilhelm von Kruse.

Neetzow we present in the 2024 calendar

Calendar A4: view | Calendar A3: view

His family had belonged to the nobility since 1784. They had owned Neetzow since 1803 and kept the ownership until 1945. The manor house was ransacked after the last owner Wolf-Eginhard von Kruse had fled. A state village ensemble moved in from 1954 to 1962, followed by the DDR Academy of Agricultural Science. The manor house façade was simplified in the 1964 restoration. The interior, despite changes to the room structure, retained stuccowork, historic fireplaces as well as wall murals.

The widespread landscape park in English style was laid out according to plans by Peter Joseph Lenné at the same time as the manor house and was carried out by Mrs. von Kruse. The manor house and its park were sold in 2001.

The building has been renovated in recent years, and a manor hotel has been created which opened in 2004.
