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Historical mills

In some places these special technical monuments have been preserved. You can find many of them on the mill page.
Manor House Pritzier near Hagenow
The village of Pritzier is mentioned at the beginning of the 13th century as belonging to the diocese of Ratzeburg. The estate is owned by the Lützow family.

"In 1392 the Detmar´s Chronicle reports that the fortress at Pritzier was taken and burnt down during the great war between the Duke of Saxony, Lords of Lauenburg, and the Lützows. In 1652, the estate was sold to the cavalry captain von Scharfenberg from the bankruptcy of the district administrator Henning von Lützow. His widow Maria Margarete, née von Göhren, initially leased the estate to Balthasar Friedrich von Zülow, but soon married the Major von Peterswal. Captain von Hövel purchased it from this family in 1756. It was then bought in 1764 by the Brunswick-Lüneburg town bailiff and collegiate governor Otto Johann Christoph von Könemann, whose descendants lived there until 1945."
(Quote from "Schlösser und Herrensitze in Mecklenburg" ------- Castles and Manor Houses in Mecklenburg- published by Wolfgang Weidlich Frankfurt) <The Detmar Chronicles are records of the Franciscan reading master Detmar von Lübeck (... - 1395)>
The present manor house was built between 1820 and 1825 according to plans by master builder Joseph Christian Lillie on behalf of Georg Justus von Könemann. The houses in Lehsen near Wittenburg, Gudow in the Duchy of Lauenburg and Schönfeld near Mühlen-Eichsen were also built at the same time.
The manor house in Pritzier has 13 axles. The oval garden hall with large French windows is particularly noteworthy. After 1870, the front was decorated and the three centre windows above the terrace were reduced in size. Nowadays the former French windows at the front have been restored. The estate included extensive farm buildings, of which a farmhouse and the horse stables still exist, as well as an English park. After 1945, the estate served as a home for refugee families and later as the administrative centre of VEG Pritzier. (VEG = people´s own estate)
In 1996, Olaf von Könemann purchased the manor house, some outbuildings and land as well as the 8-hectare park. The house has since been completely renovated and is now used privately and as an office building.
Structure of ownership prior to 1945:
-1752 |
von Lützow family |
1752-1756 |
von Eckstedt-Peterswaldt family |
1756-1757 |
von Hövell family |
1757-1945 |
von Könemann family |