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Manor House Neverin
The estate had been feoffed to Christian Wilhelm von Arnim after it had been conscripted by the Duke in 1694. He sold it to Hans Christoph von Rieben in 1708.

Hans was succeeded by Baltasar Friedrich von Berg in 1713. In 1720, the property was acquired by Ulrich Otto von Dewitz, who gave it to his son Henning Otto von Dewitz. In 1759, he sold it to Hans Friedrich von Glöden and his brother. In 1765, Neverin was purchased by Sophia von Bothmer. When Freyra Sophia Christine von Bothmer, born of Dewitz, died in 1783, and her daughter Sophia who had been hereditary renounced the estate, it was taken by the bailiff of Dewitz. He pledged it to Bernhard Funk for 20 years, whose successor, Adolf von Dewitz, was probably the one who had the manor house built.
It was a two-storey, 11-axle building built over a high cellar floor. The manor house was built around 1800. It had flat corner risers, a central risalit, a flat triangular gable above the entrance to the courtyard, and a half-hipped roof. Neverin was never in the possession of a single person for long. A steady continuity did not occur until 1812 when Adolf von Dewitz sold the estate to Ulrich Philipp von Behr-Negendank. His heirs kept the property up to the land reform.
The manor house was demolished in 1987 and cleared.
Structure of ownership prior to 1945::
1618 - 1626 |
Matthias von Bülow |
1626 - |
Heinrich von Warburg |
1668 - |
von der Lancken family |
1694 - 1708 |
Christian Wilhelm von Arnim |
1708 - 1713 |
Hans Christoph von Rieben |
1713 - 1720 |
Baltasar Friedrich von Berg |
1720 - 1759 |
Ulrich Otto von Dewitz |
1759 - 1765 |
Hans Friedrich von Glöden and his brother |
1765 - 1783 |
baroness Sophia Christine von Bothmer, née von Dewitz |
1783 - 1812 |
through the marriage of Sophia von Bothmer, the estate becomes the property of Landdrosten von Dewitz |
1812 - 1945 |
Ulrich Philipp von Behr-Negendank |

- Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
- Manor House demolished, burnt down, dilapidated
- village church / chapel
- von Bothmer family
- von Behr, Behr-Negendanck family
- von Arnim family
- von Berg family
- von Rieben family
- von Gloeden family
- von Dewitz family
- von Bülow family
- von Warburg family
- von der Lanken family
- Neverin Department