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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.
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Manor House (Hunting Lodge) Kotelow
In 1672 the last of the Kotelow properties owned by the von Rieben family went to Henning von Oertzen.

The larger share belonged to Henning von Oertzen; Victor Sigismund von Oertzen owned the smaller remaining part. An Exchange Contract was concluded in 1702: Victor Sigismund received Kotelow and two farms in Klockow, Henning got Lübbersdorf and 2000 Taler (former German silver coin). After Victor´s death Kotelow went to his son Arndt Heinrich. He was most certainly the builder of the baroque style manor house (1773). The manor house is a massive single-storey rendered building with an elevated basement and a curb roof. The manor house is surrounded by an extensive park. The last owner of Kotelow was Karl Bernhard von Oertzen who was expropriated due to the land reform. The estate was opened to settlements.
After 1945 the manor house accommodated the municipal administration.
In 2002 the property was sold. The new owners first restored the external façade. After the lovingly carried out refurbishment of the interior, single and double bedrooms were created for letting to holiday guests as well as halls for social functions and events. The manor house is also suitable for group tours.
Kotelow ist Bestandteil des Wochenkalenders 2011

Jagdschloss Kotelow
17099 Kotelow, Schlossallee 2
Familie Heins