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Entries for tag: von Scheiter,Scheither family

Herrenhaus Tüschow

Tüschow liegt ca. 20 km südwestlich von Wittenburg inmitten des Naturschutzgebietes Schaaletal, einer waldreichen Gegend, von Flüssen durchzogen. ... more

Manor House Kowalz

In the charming pristine landscape of the rivers Warbel-Regnitz valley the quiet peaceful village of Kowalz is situated, which nowadays belongs to the municipality of Thelkow. ... more

Sophienhof estate near Tessin

The manor house disappeared between 1953 and 1980. ... more

Manor House Starkow

The Starkow estate had been owned by the von Raven family since 1859. At the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Heydemann is said to have been the owner, followed by H. W. Schulze, Edwin Asmussen in 1924, and Heinrich Schack in 1945. ... more