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Manor Houses and Farm Houses - Q

Estate Quaal in the Community of Bobitz

The Quaal estate had been in possession of the Counts von der Schulenburg from 1751 on to 1945 without interruption. ... more

Herrenhaus (Wasserschloss) Quilow

Im Jahre 1499 kaufte Roleff von Owstin mit seinem Sohn vom Stolper Klosterabt einen Hof und begann in der 2. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts das von Wassergräben umgebene Herrenhaus im Stil der Renaissance zu erbauen. ... more

Manor House, Hunting Lodge Quitzin

The Quitzin manor house was built in Renaissance style in 1607 on vaults from the 13th century. ... more

Manor House Quoltitz

The manor house, a rendered brick building, was built during the first half of the 19th century. The estate was owned by the monastery of Klosters St. Annen und Brigitten (site in german only) in Stralsund. ... more

The places named hereafter did have or still do have farm- and manor houses too. However we lack information and pictures of those. In case you would like to add a contribution towards these pages, please do: We are eager to know about it.

Quaal, Qualitz, Quaslin, Quastenberg, Questin, Quitzow