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Manor Houses and Farm Houses - U

Manor House Üselitz

In the Southern part of the Island of Rügen, you will reach the romantic manor house Üselitz via adventurous paths. The manor was originally in possession of the Dukes of Pomerania. ... more

Gutshaus Udars (in german only)

Der Ortsname kommt aus dem slawischen "Udarzici" und bedeutet "Leute des Udarg". Die ersten Besitzer waren ab 1314 die Herren von Pentz, zuletzt Woter von Pentz bis 1408. Raven von Barnekow kaufte 1408 das Gut und verkaufte es 1413 an das Kloster Hiddensee. 1536 gelangten alle Besitzungen des Klosters an die Herzöge von Pommern. ... more

Manor House Ückeritz

The manor house is inhabited. ... more

Castle Ulrichshusen

A romantic moated castle “Schloss Ulrichshusen” lies on a lake of the same name far removed from the main roads in the heart of “Mecklenburg Switzerland”. ... more

Manor House Ungnade

The manor house was built in 1870 and served as a residential building during the GDR era. It was renovated in the early 1970s. In 1975 there were 12 apartments in the house, two of which were empty, a cultural room, a shop and a kitchen. ... more

The places named hereafter did have or still do have farm- and manor houses too. However we lack information and pictures of those. In case you would like to add a contribution towards these pages, please do: We are eager to know about it.

Uhlenbrook, Ulrichshof, Ulrikenhof, Ummanz, Upost, Userin, Upatel