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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.

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Warlitz Manor House

Around the year 1230 [1230-1340] Johannes Gans occupied the property of Wargelitz, almost six kilometers (4 miles) south of Hagenow, as a feudatory of the bishop.

In about 1340 [1340-1450] the knight Burchard (Burkhard) von Lützow enjoyed income from the estate.  Around 1450 [1450-1650] the von Pentz family was established there as hereditary owners, although no document indicates when they took up residence.  The village farmers and smallholders (14 in 1540, but only five in 1558) worked mainly as wheelwrights since there was more forest than fields or open land on the estate.  But in 1575 two sheep farms were laid out; at the end of the century three dairies appeared, and in 1620 a beautiful new manor house was built by the Danish Colonel von Pentz.  But around 1650 estate finances were already shaky.  In 1665 Colonel the Baron (later Major General the Count) Hans Valentin von Schultz (owner from 1650 to 1692) requested his overlord’s consent to his purchase for 25,000 Talers of hereditary rights to the Warlitz estate from the creditors of the von Pentz family; in 1668 he turned it into an allodial holding, one for which the landowner owed no feudal duties to any other person.  But the splendor of this family, too, went the way of all flesh.  Records dating from 1689 to 1692 attest to the bad management of the young Count von Schultz.  In 1692 the latter’s brother-in-law Count von Redern (owner from 1692 to 1735), son-in-law of the elder Count von Schultz, took over the enterprise and received the allodial confirmation for Warlitz in 1697 from Duke Friedrich Wilhelm, who reserved hunting rights there for himself, as he did on other knightly estates.  In 1715 Duke Christian Ulrich of Württemberg, son-in-law of Count Redern, requested an inspection of the Warlitz books.  In 1735 Senior Captain von Schütz, founder of the church here that was a subsidiary of that in Pritzier, assumed ownership of Warlitz and kept it until 1782 [1783].  In 1789 his recognized successors among the von Schütz heirs became Treasury Counselor Johann Friedrich von Veltheim [1783-1798] and his daughter, later married to a von Münchhausen.  In 1798 Senior Bailiff Franz Julius von Könemann acquired the estate, which remained in the possession of the von Könemann family until 1945.


Today the farm is the private property of the family of the master beekeeper Christoph Jung.  Since reunification it has been run as a cooperative.


The owners of Warlitz from 1797 were:  Franz Julius; Georg Justus I; Otto I; Georg Justus II; and Friedrich (Fritz II) von Könemann.
