Deutsche Website

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.
Castle, Manor House or Farm House?

Information about the classification castle, manor house or farmhouse. Surely you must have asked yourself by which criteria we sorted the listing of manor houses and castles.
Manor House Alt Kentzlin
The manor house Alt Kentzlin was built in 1823-25 by Ökonomierat (economy councillor) and sheep breeder Daniel Friedrich Maaß (1787-1864).

The single-storey half-timbered house with a half-hipped roof is constructed in a simple manner typical of the 19th century: erected on a boulder base the extensively regular oak stud frame has a thickness of almost 20 cm and is filled in with clinker bricks. The panels are alternatively either completely filled in or windowed, resulting in thirteen window axes, some of which still have the fittings of folding shutters. The roofing of the house consists of concrete roof tiles, which were applied between 1984 and 1986, they replaced the Bieberschwanzdach (a Biberschwanz is a roofing tile that is absolutely flat) which had ten bat dormers.
The floor plan shows a typical layout with a large hall, a central corridor in the longitudinal direction and a garden hall extending from the entrance area. In the front part of the house the room alignment is linked by an enfilade. The manor house Alt-Kentzlin shows this widespread spatial design in a particularly precise and unaltered form. One half of the building is equipped with a vaulted cellar which in parts is possibly older.
Currently the building is in great need of renovation. By now, however, the roof is tight again, the sponge infestation is contained, and in the summer of 2002 renovation of the cellar, which is in danger of collapsing, and the timber framing thresholds is to start.
Since the building has been emptied in 1992 up to the preparing for winter conditions in 1999 the features of the building have been lost to a large extent. Doors, windows, and fittings can only be found and reconstructed in a few places.
The garden behind the house is particularly charming with four oak trees which are between 200 and 500 years old. There is also a Motte, an old defence mound, and an orchard with mature trees.
The building is privately owned and is to be carefully restored within the next 10 years in order to one day serve as a place to live, work and meet. Half of the house will be used for private residential purposes, the other half will be available for the work and events of an architectural office. Furthermore, two to three holiday apartments are planned.