Entries for tag: von Bardenflet family
Manor House Krukow
Southwest of Neubrandenburg is situated the village of Krukow which was mentioned in records of 1170 as belonging to the monastery of Broda. ... more
Manor House Mollenstorf
Mollenstorf lies a few kilometres west of Penzlin and is now a district of the small town. The estate was owned by the Bardenfleth family until the extinction of this branch of the family in 1548. ... more
Zahren Manor House near Waren
Zahren lies on the edge of the Müritz National Park in the middle of the Mecklenburg Lake District. In 1274 Prince Nicholas I of Werle enfeoffed Bernhard and Heinrich Peccatel and the Knight von Raven with the estate; the Bardenfleth also had their seat here around that time. ... more

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