Entries for tag: von der Groeben family
Manor House (Castle, Moated Castle) Divitz
Not far from the small town called Boddenstadt Barth, in the Barthe valley, lies the moated castle called Divitz. It is one of the most important moated castles in the whole of northern Germany. ... more
Manor house Frauendorf
1937 was the estate owned by Count Siegfried of the Gröben (Divitz). ... more
Manor House Klein Teetzleben
Klein Teetzleben is part of the community of Gross Teetzleben. The manor house is an elongated one-storey building with a two-storey central risalit on the front and a centric entrance porch at the rear. During GDR times the manor house was structurally strongly changed. The façade was smoothly plastered; the windows were altered and so on. It is in use for residential purposes. ... more
Manor House Martenshagen
Martenshagen was first mentioned in documents in 1318 as belonging to the sovereignty of Divitz. During the Thirty Years' War, Martenshagen and the surrounding villages were almost completely destroyed. Since the families of the Lords of Divitz died out several times, the estate fell to the Duke. ... more

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