Entries for tag: Deserted area
Manor House Kölpin
The manor house was inhabited until 1975, after which it stood empty and fell into disrepair until it was demolished in the 1980s. In 1680, the estate was owned by Boris Magnus Friederich von Barner. Julius Heuniken was the owner in 1880, Erwin Hüneken in 1908 and 1924. ... more
Manor House Quoltitz
The manor house, a rendered brick building, was built during the first half of the 19th century. The estate was owned by the monastery of Klosters St. Annen und Brigitten (site in german only) in Stralsund. ... more
Manor House Wesselin
The manor house, a rendered brick building, was built during the first half of the 19th century. The estate was owned by the monastery of Klosters St. Annen und Brigitten (site in german only) in Stralsund. ... more
Wilhelminenhof Estate
The lost estate of Wilhelminenhof was located about 1000 meters (0.6 miles) northwest of Strietfeld and 1400 meters (0.9 miles) southwest of Basse. ... more
Wilhelmshof (Abandoned Village)
The lost village of Wilhelmshof lay south of the connecting road from Woltow to Selpin and was closely tied to the Woltow estate. ... more

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