Deutsche Website

Deutsche Website

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.

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Calendar 2024, A3

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

In volume 4, we present 58 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 155 pages.

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book Vorpommern 4

A manor house for a whole group!

A manor house for a whole group!

The guest house Zietlitz offers the suitable ambience for family celebrations, small seminars, groups of friends of historical manor houses; nature lovers, yoga groups and much more.

Gutshaus Zietlitz

Manor House Züssow

The manor house is the main location of the municipal administration.
