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Map of manor house locations

Map of manor house locations

On the map you will find 170 locations of manor houses, manor houses and castles on the island of Rügen.

Book "Manor houses and castles on the island of Rügen"

Book "Manor houses and castles on the island of Rügen"

In Volume 1, we present 50 estates on 164 pages with short texts and 203 historical and current photographs.

Info & Order

book Rügen 1

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Design by ars-campus

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Manor House Neparmitz

Neparmitz is located in the south of the island of Rügen. The estate has passed from hand to hand over the centuries.

Squire von Rade is named as the owner in 1495, the von Ahnen family in 1558, von Oernstjerna in 1648, von Bugenhagen in 1730, von Usedom in 1745, von Smiterlöw in 1784 and Ehrenfried Gustav Holz is in possession of the estate in 1856. The last owner was Günter Wahnschaffe who was expropriated by the land reform.

The manor house in the Tudor Gothic style with a crenellated stair tower on one gable end was built in the middle of the 19th century and was remodelled in the 20th century. In 1998, the Treuhand Liegenschaftsgesellschaft (Treuhand = fiduciary = The federal agency trusted with the privatisation of some 14.000 state-owned enterprises) sold the building and the new owners began refurbishment work, which was stopped soon afterwards. Since then, the listed building has been left to decay, the ceilings have partially collapsed, and the staircase from the construction period has been almost completely destroyed.

Next to the manor house is a small, much overgrown park with some magnificent trees and a pond. In the park there is a burial site of both the Holz family and the Wahnschaffe family which is by now destroyed.

Although some of the former farm buildings are extant, they are also in a state of decay.

We introduce this place in the book "Gutshäuser und Schlösser auf Rügen", Volume 1.
