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Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

In Volume 3, we present 49 estates on 151 pages with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs.

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book Vorpommern 3

Castle Kaarz in calendar 2022

Castle Kaarz in calendar 2022

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Kölzow manor house in calendar 2021

Kölzow manor house in calendar 2021

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Manor House (Castle) Karlsburg

Karlsburg, the village in which stands one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Vorpommern, dates back to the former Gnatzkow estate. This was in possession of the families von Horn, Schwobe, Buckow and from 1626 on it was owned by the noble family von Normann from Rügen.

In 1679 Maria Lucretia von Normann married Christoph von Bohlen, who stemmed from the ancient noble family von Bohlen from the island of Rügen who thus came into possession of the Gnatzkow estate. In honour of a representative of this family, Carl Julius Bernhard Reichsgraf (Imperial Count) von Bohlen, the village was renamed Carlsburg in 1771 in accordance with his baptismal name.

Commissioned by Carl Behrend von Bohlen the magnificent baroque building was erected on the foundation walls of a predecessor building after 1732 until 1773. Through the marriage of Theodor Alexander von Bismarck and Caroline von Bohlen in 1817, the Carlsburg property passed to the von Bismarck-Bohlen family. The coat of arms of this union can be seen on the park side of the castle. The last representative of the family before the expropriation in 1945 was Dr. Fritz Ulrich Graf von Bismarck-Bohlen.

From 1945 on the manor house was used as a resettling camp, a nursing home, and provisional epidemic hospital, later as a home for diabetics.

Since 1990 the building has been in possession of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and was an important specialist hospital for diabetes and metabolic diseases under the administration of the University of Greifswald. Since the University decided to withdraw from the building in 2017, the state has been planning to sell the manor house.

Around 1732 Carl Behrend von Bohlen commissioned the creation of a French style park. This was expanded and reshaped into an English landscape park by the landscape gardener Franz in 1800. Visual foci in this park, besides the manor house, are a stream which has been dammed into a pond with an island hill (the remains of a medieval fortification) and the marble sculpture of the goddess Flora from the 18th century.

Beautiful to see is the Rosentor (Rose Gate), an artistic wrought-iron work from the year 1896, made according to drawings by Elisabeth Countess von Bismarck-Bohlen.

Karlsburg stellen wir im 3. Band der Fotografischen Zeitreise Vorpommern vor.

Der Park von Karlsburg

Karlsburg ist Bestandteil des Wochenkalenders 2007
