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Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Western Pomerania"

In Volume 2, we present 45 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 155 pages.

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book Vorpommern 2

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.

Bassendorf manor house in calendar 2021

Bassendorf manor house in calendar 2021

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Manor House (Castle) Broock

The manor house in Broock is in essence a late Baroque plaster building erected around 1765. Between 1840 and 1850, this building was rebuilt in the neo-Gothic style according to plans by Friedrich August Stüler, commissioned by Hans von Seckendorff.

The central risalit of the manor house's entrance area is very striking with its balustrade and turrets above. A curved staircase leads from the veranda of the manor house into the park, which was designed according to plans by the landscape architect Peter Joseph Lenné around 1840. The courtyard area is flanked by the buildings of the extensive estate compound with dwellings for
the agricultural labourers and estate buildings.

Until 1653, Broock was a fiefdom of the knighthood family von Buggenhagen. In 1705, Christian von Linden was enfeoffed with Broock, and in 1785 the estate passed to the von Heyden family, who have since called themselves von Heyden-Linden. Finally, from the first half of the 19th century, the estate was owned by the von Seckendorff family. In 1934, Hans Freiherr von Seckendorff sold part of the estate to the Deutsche Siedlungsgesellschaft (German Settlement Society), because the estate got into financial difficulties during the course of the world economic crisis.

In 1944, the manor house was confiscated, the Botanical Institute and the Institute for Prehistory and Early History of the University of Greifswald were to receive the manor house as an alternative location. In 1945, the von Seckendorff family was expropriated and the valuable interior furnishings of the manor house were looted.

Refugees moved into the house, later it housed a school, a co-op  shop and municipal office. In the 1970s, the manor house was purchased by VEB Kranbau Eberswalde (People´s own, VEB Volkseigener Betrieb = Nationally owned company),  which planned to convert it into a recreation centre. Nothing came of these plans and so it stood empty from 1980 on and visibly deteriorated.

In 1998, the Treuhandanstalt sold the entire complex.  (Treuhand = fiduciary. The federal agency trusted with the privatisation of some 14.000 state-owned enterprises.) The new owner began to renovate the site, but had to give up. In 2017, a new owner was found, an architect from Berlin, who is planning the step-by-step redevelopment of the extensive complex.

We introduce Broock in part 3 of the book Photographic Time Travel Western Pomerania. (Fotografische Zeitreise Vorpommern 3. Band)
