Deutsche Website

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.
Castle, Manor House or Farm House?

Information about the classification castle, manor house or farmhouse. Surely you must have asked yourself by which criteria we sorted the listing of manor houses and castles.
Manor House Alt Falkenhagen
The manor house is a single-storey thirteen-axle bricked building. The original building was structurally changed during the second half of the 19th century.

The place was first mentioned in records in 1268 as "Valkenhagen". From 1427 on it was in possession of the town of Waren, previous owner had been the Knight Klaus Karmin.
Ulrich Hans von Restorff operated a glassworks in Falkenhagen from 1715 on; in 1720 Joachim Friedrich Gundlach took over the estate and established a dairy here. The dairy was named Alt Falkenhagen in 1873.
Of the estate complex the flanking buildings are extant. The gate-barn to the northwest has been demolished. One barn has been developed into a hostel.