Entries for tag: von Grote family
Varchentin Manor (Castle)
The manor house was built in the Tudor Gothic style in 1847. The architect of the imposing building was the Swiss Auguste de Meuron, who erected numerous buildings, mainly city villas, in Hamburg. ... more
Manor House Deven
The property was owned by the von Kargow family. Possession later went to the von Hahn and von Below. On the night of November 5 to 6, 1832, Mr. von Below is murdered. The manor was then administered by Herr von Saldern on Groß Plasten. It was finally sold in 1836. In the sale advertisement it is mentioned that the manor house was built about 40 years ago. ... more
Estate Klein Varchow
Nowadays the village of Klein Varchow does no longer exist, it was incorporated into the village of Klein Flotow; the manor house has disappeared too. In the 14th century, the Kruse (later Krause) dynasty resided in the castle at Varchow - Varchow is therefore considered their ancestral seat. ... more

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