Entries for tag: von Bolte family
Gutshaus Dettmannsdorf
Das Gutshaus wurde um 1870 im Neorenaissancestil errichtet. An der Hofseite des zweigeschossigen Putzbaues befindet sich ein Portal mit einer Portalumrahmung aus Säulen, tragendem Hauptbalken und dem Giebelaufsatz. ... more
Manor House Groß Lunow
The route from Gnoien to Teterow is marked by gentle hills and valleys, with a 7 km road southwest of Gnoien leading to Groß Lunow. ... more
Manor House Stubbendorf
Stubbendorf village, mentioned for the first time in 1371, was part of the extensive possessions of the von der Lühe family in the Middle Ages and in the early modern times. ... more
Viezen Manor House
In 1914 the estate with its 607 hectares (1500 acres) was under the Mecklenburg Office of Knights. The owner was the lawyer Gustav Asschenfeldt of Hamburg. ... more

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