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Book "Manor Houses & Castles in Mecklenburg", Volume 2

Book "Manor Houses & Castles in Mecklenburg", Volume 2

In Volume 2, we present 48 estates with short texts and more than 220 historical and current photographs on 160 pages.

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Weitendorf Manor House near Brüel

Weitendorf lies between the small cities Sternberg and Brüel, directly on the Warnow River that bends around the former manor grounds.

The village was first documented in 1286. The manor house was built in 1882 to plans of the architect Heinrich Gustav Thormann, who received the commission from then owner of the estate Julius Hüniken, a shipowner and businessman from Hamburg. The yellow brick building consists of two and a half storeys atop a high cellar. Particularly beautiful inside is a large vestibule with skylight and the eight-sided garden room. During alterations in 1905 the three-storey projection and the balcony supported by four pillars were added to the courtyard side. At the back was added a two-storey addition with a terrace and freestanding staircase. The manor house retains a wealth of original features such as windows, doors, floors, and moldings. Privatized after the reunification of Germany, the house stood empty for about 20 years. It is currently still in private hands and is supposed to be gradually restored. Several living spaces have been finished and are occupied by the owners or rented.

According to an inscription the inspector’s house in the southeastern part of the courtyard was erected in 1903; it is restored and inhabited. A decaying thatched stable barn on the opposite side bears the date 1881.

Weitendorf appears in the book Fotografische Zeitreise—Mecklenburg [Photographic Time Travel—Mecklenburg], vol. 2
