Deutsche Website

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.
Castle, Manor House or Farm House?

Information about the classification castle, manor house or farmhouse. Surely you must have asked yourself by which criteria we sorted the listing of manor houses and castles.
Estate Abtshagen
The Head Bailiff Richard Eggers is named as the tenant of the demesne Abtshagen in 1892. Hermann Radbruch took over around 1910 and managed the estate for over three decades.

After WWII the manor house Abtshagen was destroyed by fire. In the course of the land reform, the last tenant of the 307 hectare estate, Mr Sievert, was expropriated after 1945.
At that time the head forestry, which belonged to the forest treasury, had its head office here. It was of regional significance, manager was the Royal Forest Superintendent P. Clece.
Heilgeistkirche (Church of the Holy Spirit)
Nowadays one can view the Heilgeistkirche (Church of the Holy Spirit) in Abtshagen. The building of the massive nave was completed in 1380; the wooden spire was constructed in 1667. The interior which dates from 1843 is almost completely preserved. A true eye catcher is the Buchholz organ, one of the few surviving original instruments of the well known master.
Located in the cemetery is the burial site of the last of the landowners, the Sievert family.