Deutsche Website

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.
Castle, Manor House or Farm House?

Information about the classification castle, manor house or farmhouse. Surely you must have asked yourself by which criteria we sorted the listing of manor houses and castles.
Manor House Adamsdorf
In 1815, the then lord of the manor, Heinrich Graf Blumenthal, changed the town’s name from “Kuhstall” to Adamsdorf. This was to mark the death of his son, Adam, who had been killed in the Napoleonic campaign against Russia.

The photo above shows the manor house in 1979.
The manor house was built in 1850 and has been renovated.
A stable system has been maintained.