Estate Kokendorf

In 1704 the village of Kokendorf, which consisted of eight farms, was divided. Three belonged to Colonel de Puits of Wehnendorf, five farms were owned by Captain von der Hardt of Gubkow.

Structure of ownership:


Professional Huntsman Johann Carl von Stein

On March 29th 1797 the Professional Huntsman Johann Carl von Stein of Gubkow was ennobled by Emperor Franz II. (see Gubkow).


Frau Friederike Maria von der Decken (see Gubkow)


Christian Ludwig Graf von Bothmer (see Gubkow and Lieblingshof)


Johann Christian Hillmann (see Gubkow and Lieblingshof)


Johann Ludwig Hillmann (see Lieblingshof)


The brothers J. B. Heinrich Hillmann, Wilhelm Friedrich Carl Hillmann und Georg C. A. Hillmann (see Lieblingshof)

On the open fields of the estate Kokendorf another estate was established in 1799, Lieblingshof. However the two were not divided, both farms remained as a whole. In the official statistics both names were always listed up to 1827. After that the name Kokendorf was withdrawn and only the estate of Lieblingshof existed.
