Deutsche Website

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.
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Tressentin estate
Structure of ownership prior 1945:

1751 |
Otto Friedrich von Braun |
(1778)-1782 |
the heirs of captain Otto Friedrich von Braun (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1782-1786 |
graduate civil servant Anton Wilhelm von Raven (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1786-1796 |
Michael Gottfried Eiermann (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1796-1810 |
Samuel Peter Collmann (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1810-1844 |
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Collmann (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1844-1876 |
Wilhelm Albrecht (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1876-1910 |
Wilhelm Peter Paul Albrecht (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |
1910-(1916) |
Wilhelm Peter Paul Albrecht-Collmann (see Freudenberg and Hinrichsdorf) |