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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.
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Estate Krusenkrien
The village Krusenkrien is a part of the municipality Krusenfelde. The names refer to the von Kruse family which resided in Neetzow and was rich by owning several agricultural estates in this area, also Krusenfelde and Krusenkrien Krusenkrien was first mentioned in 1891.

At that time Wilhelm von Kruse was the owner of the estate, followed by Wolf Eginhard von Kruse. The estates were leased out; the last tenant of Krusenkrien was Wilhelm Albrecht.
The manor house is no longer extant; it was demolished around 1977 after parts of the building collapsed. Only an overgrown heap of rubble south of the farm manager´s house still testifies about the former existence of the manor house.
The pictures show the farm manager´s house, which was inhabited until a few years ago.
Some stables have been preserved from the estate; two of them are partly used as dwellings.