Deutsche Website

So that your dream does not become a nightmare

A real estate portal dedicated to castles and manor houses in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg that supports you in every phase of your project's development.
Manor House Besendorf
The Besendorf manor house was renovated by the current owner and a large part of it has been returned to its original state.

Only the former horse stable (now a residential house) and one commercial/residential building are left of the original farmhouses. All stables and barns were demolished in the GDR times, most of the workers’ cottages have been preserved. The property was first documented in 1337 and was originally owned by Grafen von Schwerin and the noble von Pentz family until mid-18th century and then became a demesne of the Schwerin dukes. In 1945, the last tenant was expelled and the property divided up.