Deutsche Website

A manor house for a whole group!

The guest house Zietlitz offers the suitable ambience for family celebrations, small seminars, groups of friends of historical manor houses; nature lovers, yoga groups and much more.
Manor House Scharstorf
Structure of ownership prior to 1945:

-1782 |
Albrecht Friedrich David Pätow |
1782-1799 |
Eckhard Johann August Pätow |
1799-1804 |
Bailiff Johann Christoff Hennings |
1804-1831 |
Carl Wilhelm Wendhausen |
1831-1836 |
Brothers Wendhausen |
1836-1840 |
Friedrich Conrad Gustav Hillmann |
1840-1882 |
Friedrich Ludwig Ernst Hillmann |
1882-1884 |
The heirs of Friedrich Ludwig Ernst Hillmanns |
1884-1909 |
Auguste Gräfin zu Rantzau nee Hillmann and Louise von Below nee Gräfin zu Rantzau |
1909-(1923) |
Paul Heinrich Joachim Sellschopp |
(1926-1938) |
Mrs. widow Agnes Sellschopp nee Diestel |
The manor house is now private property of the Rauba-Korfhage familiy.