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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.

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Book "Manor houses and castles in Mecklenburg"

Book "Manor houses and castles in Mecklenburg"

In Volume 5, we present 50 estates on 168 pages with short texts and more than 230 historical and current photographs.

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Manor House Bandelstorf

Bandelstorf has been termed the ancestral seat of the von Preen family since 1242. Starting in 1827, it was owned by the Schlettwein family and then Eilert von Voß starting in 1908.

Starting in 1939, the property was in possession of Günter Rimpau. The manor house was built before 1827 on the foundations of a predecessor building. This was followed by structures such as a tower in 1904 and the conservatory in 1920. During the renovation in March 1996, the ground-floor of the foundation and the wall remnants, the loam, straw components, and floor tiles were found, which dated back to at least the early 18th century. This reaffirms the assumption that there was a large court and castle complex where the knights’ family von Preen used to live.

The estate includes the manor house, farmhouses, workshops such as blacksmiths and cartwrights, a store, manure sheds, a weighing shed, and cart sheds. Almost all buildings were constructed between 1900 and 1930. One real eye-catcher is the renovated weighing shed with the clock tower built in 1921 by Turm-, Hof- und Eisenbahnuhrenfabrik J. F. Weule at Bockenem in Harz, which was awarded a Grand Prix for tower clocks at the 1910 World Exposition in Brussels.

Today, the estate is owned by the Dummerstorf municipality and used by the “Rittergut Bandelstorf e.V.” association.

A lot has changed at the feudal estate after the reorganization of the association in 2014. The community has taken over management of the listed building and sold the weighing shed, guest house, and workshop to residents of Bandelstorf. These structures have been renovated and filled with new life in accordance to monument protection.

The manor house was completely renovated on the first floor, both inside and out. All renovation measures are discussed between the municipality and the association and supported from both parties.

Structure of ownership pre 1945:


von Preen


Mrs. von Preen (see Wendorf)


Captain Joachim Ulrich von Preen (see Teschendorf, Wendorf and Godow)


privy counsillor Claus Joachim von Preen (see Dummerstorf and Wendorf)


Chamberlain August Claus von Preen (s. a. Dummerstorf)


the heirs of chamberlain August Claus von Preen


Lieutenant colonel Claus von Preen


Carl Ulrich Otto Claus von Preen


Johann August Schlettwein


Carl Ludwig Friedrich Schlettwein


Heinrich Carl August Schlettwein


Brothers August, Karl, Adolf, Fritz und Kurt Schlettwein


Lieutenant a. D. Eilert von Voss


Lieutenant d. R. Günther Rimpau

One deed stipulates that:

“With the approval of His Royal Highness of the Grand Dukes, the dairy farm recently established by Schlettwein in Bandelstorf has been awarded the name Dischley on the corresponding village – Feldmark Klein Schwarfs.

Schwerin, November 20th, 1828”

Förderverein "Rittergut Bandelstorf" e. V.

18196 Bandelstorf, Am Gutshof 1

Contact: Margrit Käding / Cornelia Thiel
Phone: 038208-60288 oder 038208-60916
