Deutsche Website

Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.
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A manor house for a whole group!

The guest house Zietlitz offers the suitable ambience for family celebrations, small seminars, groups of friends of historical manor houses; nature lovers, yoga groups and much more.
Lenzen Monastic Estate and Domain
Lenzen was first mentioned in a document in 1357. At that time the Brüsehaver family resided here. In 1399 Heinrich and Albert Brüsehaver sold part of the estate to Ekhard Gaarz for 40 Lübische Mark. In 1414 the Rodebekens are mentioned, who pledged the farm and the village of Lenzen to Werner Cremon.

Tenants of the Dobbertin monastery office and
from 1918 on to 1945 the Domain of the state of Mecklenburg:
1720 |
Niklas Evers |
1751 |
Hans Christian Dreves |
1774 |
Hans Heinrich Hausschild |
1783 |
Joachim Friedrich Greverath |
1789 |
Peter Friedrich Eschenbach |
1803 |
Friedrich Posenow |
1830 |
Wilhelm Puls |
1854 |
Johann Christian Puls |
1868 |
Hermann Haase |
1875 |
Ferdinand Busch |
1895-1915 |
Karl Flint |
1916 |
Karl Bech |
1920 |
P. B. Berckemeyer |
1922 |
F. W. Feulgen |
(1926)-(1932) |
Arthur Schapitz |
1935 |
Ernst Gertz |