Deutsche Website

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ars-campus, the specialists of webdesign, printdesign and logo – based in Rostock and Stralsund.
Vietlübbe Manor House
The village of Vietlübbe, about six kilometers east of Gadebusch, is well-known for its late Romanesque church, which, first mentioned in the Ratzeburg rent roll in 1230, is considered one of the oldest buildings in Mecklenburg.

The ground plan follows the shape of a Greek cross, which is unique in north Germany. But there is also a manor house in Vietlübbe that, unnoticed by the public, is fast decaying. The monument-protected building was used as a corporate holiday facility until 1990 and has stood vacant since. It was originally a brick structure with Neo-Renaissance decorative elements, but in the 19th century and after World War II it was reconstructed and altered several times, so that today only the round arches of the doors of the foyer giving onto the garden bear witness to its first incarnation. The decorative elements have been plastered over.
After 1786 the house and farm were owned by the von Leers family. Siegfried Schulz leased it from the von Leer estate. After the von Leers family were forced to declare bankruptcy upon the expiration of the lease and the return of the property in 1928, Schulz bought Vietlübbe in order not to lose the invested capital. In 1932 he sold the estate to the Hamburg shipowner Russ, since he had already bought the Rothspalk estate in 1928 and had moved there with his family.