Wendelstorf Manor House
The manor house in Wendelstorf was torn down just a few years ago. It had been empty for a long period.

It had a wide half-timbered middle pediment. The house sat on low ground directly on Wendelstorfer Lake in the so-called Cramon lake district, through which the Stepenitz River flows.
In the former park on the lake stands a large glacial boulder with a weathered inscription, supposedly the marker for a family grave but probably that of a soldier, as the actual family resting place of the lords of Wendelstorf manor lies across the lake in the Gross Eichsen churchyard.
The manor complex with some stolid brick buildings is partly preserved.
After 1747 Wendelstorf was owned by the von Bülow family. From 1818 it was the property of the Fischer family; from 1894, of the brothers Ewald, Max, and Paul Fischer; in 1908 and 1913, of Max Fischer. In 1924 Fritz von Sturm is named as the owner with residence in Berlin; Friedrich Thormann was the administrator of the estate.