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Map of manor house locations in Mecklenburg

On the map you will find approx. 1600 locations of manor houses, manor houses, castles and palaces.
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Map of manor house locations

On the map you will find 170 locations of manor houses, manor houses and castles on the island of Rügen.
Manor House Cosa
The Cosa manor house was built by Wilhelm von Oertzen. The house was erected in 1850.

It is an 11-axle, one-storey building constructed using red clinker bricks and has a triaxial, central risalit with a ramp and saddle roof with symmetrically placed dormers. In 1846, Carl Constantin Ludwig Theodor von Rieben was forced to sell his inheritance to Adolph Friedrich Carl von Oertzen, his cousin, and his brother-in-law. The three buyers shared the newly acquired property. Cosa then fell to Wilhelm von Oertzen following a disposition. It remained in the possession of the family von Oertzen-Lübbersdorf until the end of the war.
After the expropriation, the manor house was publicly used. For decades, residential apartments had been set up in the manor house. The property is now in private hands, and the manor house has been refurbished extensively.